Morning After Midnight

This bossa nova tone-poem recalls the ecstatic reverie of Coleridge's Kubla Kahn in the musical vocabulary of Jobim's Waters Of March. Covering a Turner Cody composition performed decades ago at the Raven Open Stage, this arrangement departs dramatically from the original to accentuate the depth of prose and mystery presented by the lyrics.

To download sheeet music of this song, click here.

Rob Getzschman: vocals, acoustic guitar, arrangement
Suzanne Waters: vocals
Alex Rocha: upright bass
Gabriel Globus-Honeich: agogo, cabasa, caxixi, clave, cuíca, rebolo, shaker, snare, tamborim, triangle
Michael Cassady: piano
Alexander Hahn: tenor saxophone solo
Paloma Gomez: flute
Guillermo Olivera: trombone
Benjamin Barreiro: tenor saxophone
Marcio Alvarado: organ
Mercedes Bralo: harp
Craig Brock: mix
Bryan David: mastering

Released June 20, 2023